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eXess cylinder

eXess cylinder is used to safeguard petrol stations for example. Explosive vapours that arise when refuelling accumulate in maintenance or manhole pits and are mixed up with the air. This gaseous mixture is highly explosive and poses an enormous hazard. eXess eliminates this risk and thus avoids accidental explosions. In the event that an ignition takes place the vapours and liquids combust in a controlled way - there is no explosion!
At petrol stations, the sensitive areas (manhole pits) are simply lined with eXess cylinder in bags. Thanks to their small diameter of approx. 3 cm they can also be used in canisters, barrels or storage tanks.
eXess cylinder can be easily installed and quickly removed. Already today, 90% of Austria's petrol stations are equipped with eXess. Thanks to eXess and its long life cycle of more than 10 years you safe valuable time, lenghty repairs and costly reprocessing.


eXess rolls

In the oil industry large-scale storage reservoirs are used. Plants and filling volumes constitute very valuable material assets.
eXess rolls was developed to provide protection from explosions in this area.
During manufacturing aluminium foil is processed to a honeycomb-shaped grid. This grid is further processed to form rolls that have a diameter of approx. 70 cm and are equipped with with a floatating device. This size is particularly suitable for direct use in storage tanks. To ensure optimum protection from explosions the rolls are arranged within the tank in such a way that the surface is covered. eXess rolls avoid explosions. This is achieved by reducing the UEL ( upper explosion limit) and by the resulting delay in pressure rise.


eXess tank

Petrol canisters pose a high risk for people and the environment because highly explosive air-gas mixtures are often produced. eXess tanks prevents these mixtures from exploding and reduces the potential risk. In the event of fire developing vapours and liquids combust in a controlled way with significantly lower formation of smoke and flame; there is no explosion! eXess tanks can be used among other areas in
- LPG reservoirs
- LPG tanks
- Automobile tanks
- Motorbike tanks
- Truck tanks
- Plane tanks
- Ship tanks
In common parlance LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) means liquid gas - that is to say propane, butane and their mixtures which remains liquid at ambient temperatures and under relatively low pressure (therefore also called Low Pressure Gas genannt).
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